Art dealer is much more than a brand...

Art dealer is a direct to consumer women's contemporary clothing brand: 

Through a short supply chain located in central-northern Italy, the know-how of our manufacturers and high quality raw materials, we want to offer our community the best of Made in Italy.











To participate in this investment round, create an account on Mamacrowd and proceed with the investment directly from their platform.

Art dealer's journey has been incredible so far, but to make a difference we need you. Join the change, invest in Art dealer and become part of our family.

Frequent questions

Why invest in Art dealer

Art dealer è una startup guidata da giovani imprenditrici che credono nella community creata finora, nel made in Italy e nel senso di responsabilità verso un futuro migliore.

Investire in Art dealer significa sostenere il made in Italy, creando un consumo di moda responsabile, al fine di avere un impatto positivo diretto sul nostro pianeta.

Ultimo ma non meno importante,
Art dealer è un'azienda solida, redditizia e scalabile, pronta a crescere ulteriormente.


Art dealer is a startup led by young women entrepreneurs, who believe in the community that has been created so far, made in Italy and responsibility.

Investing in Art dealer means to support the Italian heritage of made in Italy, while creating a responsible fashion consumption, in order to have a direct positive impact on our planet.

Last but not least, Art dealer is a solid, profitable & scalable business, ready to grow even further.

Investment conditions

Vogliamo offrire le migliori condizioni di investimento alla nostra community. Quindi i nostri investitori beneficeranno di:

  • preferenza di liquidazione: quando la società verrà venduta, i nostri investitori riceveranno prima il loro investimento originale, al fine di ridurre al minimo il rischio.
  • Schema di intestazione azionaria alternativa: con questo servizio, il nostro investitore potrà vendere velocemente e facilmente le proprie azioni sul mercato secondario, in modo da avere un investimento più liquido.


We want to give the best investment condition to our community.

So our investors will benefit of:

  • liquidation preference: when the company is sold, our investors will receive their original investment first, in order to minimize their risk
  • Alternative share-heading scheme: with this service, our investor will be able to sell quickly & easily their shares on the secondary market, in order to have a more liquid investment
Use of the investment

Art dealer è pronta ad espandere il proprio business e portare la moda responsabile in tutto il mondo, aprendo nuovi mercati e creando valore attraverso esperienze offline indimenticabili.
L'investimento sarà focalizzato principalmente sul miglioramento della struttura logistica, per massimizzare l'efficienza dell'e-commerce, e della tecnologia, al fine di abbreviare il ciclo di produzione delle collezioni. Questi investimenti avranno un impatto diretto e positivo sulla marginalità e sulla creazione di profitti.


Art dealer is ready to scale the business & bring responsible fashion across the world, opening new markets and adding value through unforgettable offline experiences.

The investment will be focused primarily on improving the logistic structure, to maximize the efficiency on the ecommerce, and technology, in order to shorten the production cycle of the collections.

These investments will have a direct and positive impact on the marginality and profit creation.

As a support, Art dealer will also invest on improving the brand & communication first, and then in marketing to fuel the growth.